Use Tabs to organize content across multiple panes.
<Tab label="First Tab">
Content of the First Tab
You can use **markdown** here too!
<Tab label="Second Tab">
Content of the Second Tab
Here's a [link](
Full Width
<Tabs fullWidth=true>
<Tab label="First Tab">
Content of the First Tab
<Tab label="Second Tab">
Content of the Second Tab
Theme Color
<Tabs color=primary>
<Tab label="Primary Tabs">
Content of the First Tab
<Tab label="Second Tab">
Content of the Second Tab
Custom Color
<Tabs color=#ff0000>
<Tab label="Red Tabs">
Content of the First Tab
<Tab label="Second Tab">
Content of the Second Tab
Background Color
<Tabs background=true>
<Tab label="First Tab">
Content of the First Tab
<Tab label="Second Tab">
Content of the Second Tab
Persist Selected Tab to URL
<Tabs id="example-tab">
<Tab label="One">
Click Second id Tab and notice the the url updates!
<Tab label="Two">
Refresh the page and the tab you selected persists!
Unique Id for this set of tabs. When set, the selected tab is included in the URL so it can be shared.
- Options:
- string
Color for the active tab. Accepts theme tokens
- Options:
- Any valid hex, rgb, or hsl string
- Default:
- base-content
Label for the tab
Unique Id for this tab. Only needed if 2 tabs have the same label (not recommended).